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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11 (Amplified Bible)

Babies are miracles from God.

While all babies are indeed a miracle, some of us mothers understand this in a deeper level. I’m talking to women who have faced or are facing infertility, miscarriages, difficult pregnancies and medically impossible conceptions.

I don’t pretend to understand the longings of a woman who could not conceive. My story is different. I was told by numerous doctors that I would not be able to get pregnant due to the existence of an infertility “perfect storm” inside my body. Between high levels of a certain hormone and serious endometriosis, my womb was just “not able to hold an embryo”. That’s what the highly educated told me. My fiancé and I were ready for that before we even got married. So, my doctor could not explain it when I found myself pregnant soon after my husband and I decided we were going to try to get pregnant anyway. For reasons I will never know, I did not have to walk through the valley that some of my friends have walked through or are facing. Although both my conceptions were “medically impossible”, the Lord of the universe knew better and had a different plan. My babies are miracle babies.

Then I ponder my older sister’s story. She was abandoned as a nine-month old baby in my mom’s aunt’s house. My mom was only fifteen years-old when she fell in love with Ana. A love story unfolded as mom promised my sister that whenever she got married, she would adopt her. So, dad proposed, knowing that when they came back from their honeymoon, they would have a nine year old daughter waiting for them. My sister is a miracle baby.

Then there is the struggle that my friend went through with infertility, painful treatments and miscarriages. She and her husband did not know that God had planned all along that they were going to adopt a beautiful little girl on the other side of the country and change her life and their lives forever. In my friend’s own words, their daughter could not be any more perfect. She’s everything they have ever dreamed for in a child. And my friend’s comment on what all she learned in her valley is sobering: “it’s not about pregnancy, it’s about motherhood”.  My friend’s daughter is a miracle baby.

Then there is the story of another dear friend, who had a horrible pregnancy, where she could not eat anything without getting very sick, lost weight instead of gaining. We all were praying for her and her baby for nine months. She wasn’t sure they would make it. And now I see this handsome six year old All Star baseball player, running around our house playing with our girls. That boy is a miracle baby.

Through the valleys that so many women face with similar issues and watching the outcome in every situation, Isaiah 55 becomes personal to each of us: "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts".
We must remember to trust God for the outcome of our lives. We must trust God for our miracle babies in His time. Mostly, we must trust with all our hearts that God is working all things together for our ultimate good. All things. (Romans 8:28)

Unlike Sarah - BELIEVE against all odds

Like Hannah - PRAY without ceasing.

Like Mary - TRUST that nothing is too big for God.

And if God so leads you... Like Pharaoh's daughter, EXTEND your hand to change someone's destiny.

Reflections for today:

For Mothers to be: Regardless of the valley that each of you are going through regarding motherhood, regardless of how and when God gives you your miracle baby, regardless of how long you have to wait or how much it hurts, you must remember that He is molding your character and increasing your faith through your pain and as you wait. I promise you will look back and thank God for the wait. Because you will fall in love with the little person God will give you in His time, whether he or she comes out of your womb or someone else’s.

Prayer:Lord, help me learn how to trust you with all my heart. Help me to see through my pain and through your eyes as I wait upon you. I thank you God for the child you will give me. I trust you will direct my thoughts as you show me the way I should go. Mold me to be more like Jesus as I prepare and wait for my miracle baby. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
For Mothers: Whenever our children disappoint us or irritate us, I challenge each one of us to go back to the day they were born and remember the love, the acceptance and the realization of the miracle that was given to us. Remember the grace and love that was poured into our lives. Extend grace, love and acceptance.

Prayer:Lord, help me be the mother you have called me to be. Help me remember today that my children are a gift from you and help me be forgiving, gracious, patient, joyful. Help me be a mother who will reflect Jesus’ sacrificial love to my children. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  1. Thank you for doing these Patricia!!! As a mother of a teenage daughter, it is good to be reminded to think of what a miracle she is rather than the challenges teenage moodiness brings!!! :)
